SAHS said, "... Also, believe it or not, here in Canada any mace products are totally illegal!"
Thanks for bringing this up!
I'll guess that in Canada LONG-RANGE WASP-SPRAY is perfectly legal. If a person was being attacked and used a can of LONG-RANGE WASP-SPRAY as though it was Pepper Spray or Tear Gas, the defender would find themselves in possession of a very effective (i.e., very damaging) weapon. These LONG-RANGE WASP-SPRAYs are very potent neurotoxins and would probably cause blindness if sprayed in the eyes, and serious respiratory problems if it was inhaled.
So be sure NEVER to use LONG-RANGE WASP-SPRAY for personal protection! Your government will express their sincere regret over your victimization at the hands of a psychopath. Knowing that should bring great comfort.
One thing everyone should be aware of is that almost every product sold today has a warning on the label that says something like:
"WARNING: It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling."
Is it a violation of natural law for sheep to defend themselves from wolves?